Use of chemicals against rodents

Use of chemicals against rodents

Use of chemicals against rodents

In May 2021, the European Commission asked ECHA for an opinion on the comparative assessment of anticoagulant and antivitamin rodenticides. These agents work by interfering with the activation of vitamin K and blood clotting, thereby causing the internal bleeding.

At the last meeting, the Biocidal Products Committee. (BPC) concluded that, due to the identified risk to the environment and human health, these agents should be. handled with care.

Based on the studies carried out, the BPC Committee concluded that mechanical rodent traps are effective enough to control mice indoors. He also cited carbon dioxide as a safer chemical alternative, which when used by trained professionals has a much lower overall hazard profile.

Based on the opinion of the BPC Committee, the European Commission will prepare its decision. It is also expected that Member States and biocidal authorization authorities will be provided with appropriate instructions on how to authorize anticoagulant rodenticides.