EkotoxInfo 10/2022 

EkotoxInfo 10/2022 

EkotoxInfo 10/2022 

We encourage you to read the current issue of EkotoxInfo chemical news. In the summary of last month you will find the following topics:

  1. Ukrainian’s REACH and CLP
  2. Chromium compounds REACH authorisation – chromium trioxide
  3. ECHA’s report of REACH authorisation for SVHC substances
  4. Restriction process on certain cobalt compounds terminated
  5. Consultation on new CLP classes finalised
  6. Skin sensitizing substances in consumer mixtures
  7. Reminder to update the safety data sheets
 1. Ukrainian’s REACH and CLP

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the Ukrainian chemicals management project. Ukraine will create the legal basis for the introduction of modern European REACH and CLP regulations. In addition, according to the association agreement with the EU, Ukraine has to harmonize its environmental legislation with European legislation and implement the provisions of the Basel Convention, the Rotterdam Convention and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP). The proposal will now be submitted to the Ukrainian parliament for approval and implementation.

Ekotox news: https://ekotox.eu/news/ukraines-cabinet-approves-draft-chemicals-management-law/

2. Chromium compounds REACH authorisation – chromium trioxide

ECHA has received over 1 000 notifications from industrial sites using chromium trioxide in chrome plating and surface treatment in the EU. This follows two European Commission decisions in December 2020 granting authorisation to use the chemical until September 2024. Enforcement authorities can now carry out inspections as necessary.

By notifying the uses to ECHA, companies confirm that they follow the conditions for use set in the authorisation decisions granted to their suppliers. As part of the conditions, they must inform ECHA by the end of 2021 how their workers are exposed to chromium trioxide. This information will help companies to protect their workers even better by minimising their exposure to the carcinogen.

Majority of downstream users wishing to continue using the chromium trioxide will have to prepare individual application for REACH authorisation.

In fact there is not much of time for preparation of all documents needed for the successful REACH authorisation. Companies should to start asap to complete all required steps in time.

Ekotox REACH authorisation webpages: https://ekotox.eu/reach-authorisation/

3. ECHA’s report of REACH authorisation for SVHC substances

ECHA has published a report on the use of SVHC substances that are subject to authorization. The study covered the period 2010-2021 and its results show that the use of these substances has decreased by around 45% in the EU. The results confirm that the introduction of an authorization procedure is effective and brings tangible benefits.

Change of tonnage of Annex XIV substance 2010-2021_en (europa.eu)

4. Restriction process on certain cobalt compounds

The proposed restriction of some cobalt compounds has temporarily not been adopted. According to the April decision, the committee should not prepare amendments to Annex XVII of REACH. However, the Commission asked the RAC for an opinion on the occupational exposure limits to cobalt compounds, due by the end of this year.


5. Consultation on new CLP classes finalised

Open public consultations on the draft law introducing new hazard classes as part of the revision of the CLP regulation lasted until October 18, in which the committee proposed the need to introduce 3 new hazard classes. The Commission will now assess the comments on the project and start the procedure for adopting the changes.

Have your say (europa.eu)

6. Skin sensitizing substances in consumer mixtures

Open public consultations on the draft legislation introducing new hazard classes as part of the revision of the CLP regulation lasted until October 18. The Commission has proposed the need to introduce 3 new hazard classes. It will now evaluate the comments on the draft and start the procedure for adopting changes.


7. Reminder to update the safety data sheets

Once again, we would like to remind you about the upcoming update date of the current safety data sheets. From January 1, 2023, all cards must comply with the new format.


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