Rolling List of (groups of) substances for restriction updating Annex I to the Restrictions Roadmap under the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability SWD(2022) 128 final

Rolling List of (groups of) substances for restriction updating Annex I to the  Restrictions Roadmap under the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability SWD(2022) 128 final

Rolling List of (groups of) substances for restriction updating Annex I to the Restrictions Roadmap under the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability SWD(2022) 128 final

Revised version 1 July 2024

Pool definition: Pool 0 contains substances that are already included in the Registry of Intention (RoI) for restrictions1 or where the Commission has requested ECHA to prepare a restriction dossier. Restriction dossiers that have already been submitted are not included in pool 0 but are listed in Appendix 1.



  • Pool 0 – ECHA Article 69.2;
  • Pool 0 – Member States;
  • Pool 1 -Anticipated Commission request to ECHA;
  • Pool 1 -ECHA Article 69.2;
  • Pool 1 -Member States.


Annex II – Groups of substances under assessment with a restriction as a potential regulatory management option

 Annex II lists substances that are under assessment with restrictions as a potential regulatory management option. For the time being, no decision has yet been taken on whether a restriction will be prepared, nor on who submits the dossier (a Member State, or ECHA on behalf of the Commission). Annex II also serves as a list for authorities to develop their priorities for future restriction dossiers. Similar as for pool 1, for some (groups of) substances classification under the CLP Regulation or SVHC-identification under REACH might be the next regulatory action, which is then potentially followed by a restriction.

Substances are listed in Annex II due to different reasons. It includes (groups of) substances for which:

– ECHA’s Assessment of Regulatory Needs suggests a restriction as a potential regulatory management option;

– ECHA, in accordance with Art. 69(2), identified a restriction as a regulatory follow-up action;

– Preliminary assessments of Member States, the Commission or working groups involving Member States, the Commission and ECHA suggest that a restriction could potentially be an adequate regulatory management option;

– Review reports or previous assessments indicate that revising a restriction could be necessary (e.g. lead in consumer articles; nickel in articles intended to come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin).


ECHA page: Rolling List of (groups of) substances for restriction updating Annex I to the Restrictions Roadmap under the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability SWD(2022)128

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