3.2.2021 – the use of nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs) in textiles that are meant for consumers and placed on EU market is limited.
Entry 46a
Nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPE) (C2H4O)nC15H24O
Nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPE) (C2H4O)nC15H24O
Conditions of restriction
1. Shall not be placed on the market after 3 February 2021 in textile articles which can
reasonably be expected to be washed in water during their normal lifecycle, in concentrations
equal to or greater than 0,01 % by weight of that textile article or of each part of the textile
2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply to the placing on the market of second- hand textile articles or of
new textile articles produced, without the use of NPE, exclusively from recycled textiles.
3. For the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2, “textile article” means any unfinished, semi-finished
or finished product which is composed of at least 80 % textile fibres by weight, or any other
product that contains a part which is composed of at least 80 % textile fibres by weight,
including products such as clothing, accessories, interior textiles, fibres, yarn, fabrics and
knitted panels.
1. Shall not be placed on the market after 3 February 2021 in textile articles which can
reasonably be expected to be washed in water during their normal lifecycle, in concentrations
equal to or greater than 0,01 % by weight of that textile article or of each part of the textile
2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply to the placing on the market of second- hand textile articles or of
new textile articles produced, without the use of NPE, exclusively from recycled textiles.
3. For the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2, “textile article” means any unfinished, semi-finished
or finished product which is composed of at least 80 % textile fibres by weight, or any other
product that contains a part which is composed of at least 80 % textile fibres by weight,
including products such as clothing, accessories, interior textiles, fibres, yarn, fabrics and
knitted panels.