Residues of active substances in drinking water

Residues of active substances in drinking water

Residues of active substances in drinking water

EFSA and ECHA guidance is now available

From 1 April 2026, a new requirement in Europe is to assess the impact of water treatment processes on active substances and their metabolites. This initiative, which is jointly led by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), covers new registrations and renewal of registrations of active substances in plant protection products and biocidal products.

A guidance document on the impact of water treatment processes on residues of active substances or their metabolites in water abstracted for the production of drinking water was published at the end of 2023. Discussions are ongoing between chemical, agrochemical companies and contract research organizations to define and validate clear testing strategies and analytical support to meet the new requirements.

Drinking water is obtained from sources, including surface and/or groundwater. The guidance provides different approaches to measure the impact of water treatment processes on both active substances and their metabolites in drinking water production. The guideline applies to processes used mainly in the European Union, including filtration, chlorination, pre-oxidation, ozonation and UV disinfection. This will help address public health concerns related to exposure to harmful compounds in drinking water.

What is included in testing?

Within a multi-level framework, it avoids, where possible, studies in operation and incorporates, where appropriate, the use of weighting of evidence methodologies and a new approach.

The exact number of active substances already in use that will need to be assessed is not yet known, but it is estimated that there will be around 100 to 500, each of which has multiple potential metabolites. This leads to concerns for manufacturers who would be forced to complete testing to ensure the ongoing compliance of their products.

How can the company Ecotox Center help?

The company Ecotoxicological Centre Bratislava, s.r.o. offers expert advice on the registration of active substances in line with the new requirements of ECHA and EFSA. We help with testing strategies, analytical support, and meeting legislative requirements for product compliance. Our goal is to ensure the safety of drinking water and compliance with all regulations.


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