EkotoxInfo 03/2024

EkotoxInfo 03/2024

EkotoxInfo 03/2024

Current issue of EkotoxInfo news

We provide a selection of important information in the field of EU legislation on chemicals and products, chemical management:

  1. Clean Industrial Deal (Feb 26, 2025, Brussels) 
  2. New Rules to enhance Safety, Sustainability and Competitiveness in Construction Products
  3. Cosmetics Regulation – Public consultation
  4. CLP Regulation – New requirements
    1. Supplier Establishment Requirements Under the CLP Regulation
    1. General Obligations of Distributors
    1. Mandatory Hazard Information in Advertisements
    1. Distance Sales Requirements Under the CLP Regulation
    1. Digital Labelling Requirements 
    1. General Requirements for Labelling
    1. General Requirements for Refill Stations
    1. New Hazard Classes in the Updated CLP Regulation
    1. Classification Approach for Complex Substances
    1. Acute Toxicity Estimates (ATE)
  5. “Chemical Management – REACH Concference 2025” will be held in Katowice, Poland on September 22 – 23, 2025.


  • Clean Industrial Deal – A plan for EU competitiveness and decarbonisation

Main elements of the Clean Industrial Deal:

  • Boosting demand for clean products
  • Financing the clean transition
  • Circularity and access to materials 
  • Acting on a global scale
  • Skills and quality jobs

Ekotox news website: https://ekotox.eu/news/clean-industrial-deal-feb-26-2025-brussels/

REACH Ekotox website: https://ekotox.eu/reach-regulation/

  • New Rules to enhance Safety, Sustainibilty and Competitiveness in Construction Products

The revised EU Regulation 2024/3110 introduces several crucial objectives:

CE Marking and Environmental Performance

Under the new regulation, the CE marking now encompasses both technical and environmental performances, aligning with the updated safety and sustainability requirements. Manufacturers are required to substantiate environmental claims and reflect them in the product’s Digital Product Passport (DPP).

Declaration of Performance and Conformity (DoPC)

Compliance mandates that Declarations of Performance and Conformity include environmental data, such as climate impact and technical specifications. This information must be verified and made accessible to regulatory authorities through the DPP. Until new standards are developed, existing methodologies and standards remain acceptable.

Digital Product Passports (DPP)

A notable innovation is the introduction of Digital Product Passports, which serve as digital repositories of product specifications and environmental data. This facilitates access to information for regulatory authorities and product users, such as architects and builders.
Ekotox News Website: https://ekotox.eu/news/eu-introduces-new-rules-to-enhance-safety-sustainibilty-and-competitivness-in-construction-products/

  • Cosmetics Regulation – Public consultation    

The European Commission has launched the evaluation process of the Cosmetics Regulation, which is carried out as part of the REFIT Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme. The result of the evaluation is to indicate which elements and areas of the regulation work well and which need to be changed and adapted to changes related to the Green Deal or the digital and green transformation, as well as whether the current content of the regulation fulfills its role.
The public consultation will last 4 weeks till 21 March 2025.  
Ekotox News Website: https://ekotox.eu/news/cosmetics-regulation-public-consultation/

CLP Regulation – New requirements

  1. Classification Approach for Complex Substances
  • “Chemical Management – REACH Concference 2025”

Katowice, Poland, September 22 – 23, 2025.

What we took home from the REACH 2024 conference:

* Everyone is waiting for direction within the new Commission – chemical management is becoming an interdisciplinary issue regulated by different areas of EU legislation – like an eruption from the misty steam of a hidden volcano

* The simplification promised by the 2024-2029 policy guidelines could probably be possible, but “optimization” could work better. Optimization will require a lot of discussion, data/information, and a willingness to compromise

* The most commonly used words “uncertainty” and “competitiveness”

* Substances of very high concern (SVHCs) will be expanded to include “substances of high concern” = substances of concern < SoCs… and that “horse” will be managed by different groups / legislation and for different purposes…

* REACH 2.0 needed for everyone, expectations are high, it is not clear what will be in it – the need for speed

* The story of PFAS becomes difficult to understand and follow. It seems that the resources already used are not sufficient and much more will be needed, but is it well targeted and is it developing in the right direction?

* All players try to organize themselves to better cope with the challenges of the rapid changes that are coming. 1S1A is one of the very important pieces of the mosaic

* Battery regulation seeks to control all aspects of a single product group. That is very ambitious. Maybe in the right direction. But as we have heard, we are losing competitiveness, investment, dynamism…