ECHA to SME registrants: check your company size

ECHA to SME registrants: check your company size

ECHA to SME registrants: check your company size


If your company is classified as micro, small, or medium-sized (SME), it’s essential to ensure that you’ve accurately stated your company size in REACH-IT during your substance registration. Incorrect declarations can lead to administrative charges.

Helsinki, 10 September 2024 – The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is actively verifying the size of companies that have claimed SME status during their REACH registrations.

If you realize that you mistakenly declared a smaller company size, it’s crucial to contact ECHA’s Helpdesk promptly. Failing to do so could result in an administrative charge of up to EUR 19,900, in addition to the fee difference based on your correct size.

However, if you proactively inform ECHA of the error before they initiate verification, you will only be required to pay the registration fee difference, avoiding the administrative charge.

Guidelines on determining your company size are available on ECHA’s website. Make sure to upload supporting documents for your SME status in REACH-IT, regularly monitor your REACH-IT account for updates, and ensure that your registrations and contact details are always up to date.

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