Classification Approach for Complex Substances 

It’s important to note that substances and mixtures already placed on the market before these dates do not need to be re-labelled or re-packaged immediately. They can continue to be supplied within the supply chain until July 1, 2028, for substances, and January 1, 2029, for mixtures. 

Classification Principles for Complex Substances 

  • Complex substances are treated like mixtures but are classified as single substances. 
  • Two key approaches are used when no direct test data is available for the entire substance: 
  1. Bridging Principles 
  1. Weight of Evidence Approach

The classification process follows these key principles: 

  1. Use of Available Data: 
  • Where experimental data on the whole substance is available, this should be the primary basis for classification. 
  • If data on the whole substance is lacking or insufficient, classification should be based on known constituents
  1. Bridging Principles: 
  • If test data on the complex substance itself is unavailable, a bridging principle can be applied using data from similar substances. 

Bridging principles allow classification based on data from similar substances. The following principles apply: 

Bridging Principle Application 
Dilution If a hazardous substance is diluted, classification is based on the diluted concentration. 
Batching If a new batch has a similar composition to a previously classified batch, it can inherit the same classification. 
Interpolation If two tested mixtures show consistent hazard levels, an untested intermediate mixture can be classified accordingly. 
Substantially Similar Mixture If the hazard profile of a similar tested mixture is known, it can be extended to a new mixture. 
Concentration Additivity For substances with additive toxic effects, the concentration of individual hazardous components determines classification
  1. Weight of Evidence 
  • A weight-of-evidence approach (expert judgment considering all relevant data) should be used when applying bridging principles

Weight of Evidence (WoE) Approach 

When bridging principles are insufficient, a weight of evidence (WoE) evaluation is required. This approach considers: 

  1. Test data from individual constituents (e.g., mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, aquatic toxicity). 
  1. Human exposure data, including epidemiological and occupational health reports. 
  1. Mode of action—how the substance interacts at a biological or environmental level. 
  1. In vitro (lab) studies and in vivo (animal) studies, if available. 

Computer modeling (Q)SAR—predicting toxicity based on chemical structure similarities

  1. Individual Constituents vs. Whole Substance: 
  • If individual constituents are classified as hazardous, the complex substance must be evaluated under mixture classification rules to determine if similar hazards apply. 
  • In some cases, constituents might have hazardous properties in isolation but not in the complex substance due to interactions that modify their behavior
  1. Application of Mixture Classification Rules: 
  • If the bridging principles do not apply, standard mixture classification rules should be used: 
  • Summation method (for certain health and environmental hazards). 
  • Additive effects of similar hazardous components should be considered

Special Considerations for Certain Complex Substances 

  • Plant-Derived Substances: 
  • Some complex substances extracted from plants contain multiple components where individual constituents have potential hazard properties, but these may not apply to the whole extract. 
  • A temporary derogation has been introduced to allow for a scientific review of classification rules for plant extracts
  • Endocrine Disruptors & PBT Substances: 
  • If a complex substance shows persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) properties, classification should be based on known individual constituents unless whole-substance data proves otherwise. 
  • The same applies to endocrine-disrupting effects, where both whole-substance and constituent-based evaluations should be considered


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