Carbon Footprinting and Reporting/Accounting

A carbon footprint is a measure of how much something impacts upon the climate crisis. It measures the total amount of greenhouse gases produced directly or indirectly by an organisation, service or a product and is usually expressed in equivalent tonnes of carbon dioxide (tCO2e). When we talk about carbon emissions we usually mean all the greenhouse gases which trap heat within the Earth’s atmosphere leading to global warming and climate change.


Ekotox Centers are providing consultancy services and customers support in the area of Carbon Footprinting and Reporting

If you need assistance, please contact us at one of the following contacts:


What is Carbon Accounting

Carbon accounting allows companies, governments, and individuals to understand and measure their environmental impact. Carbon accounting takes into account the total greenhouse gas emissions produced by a company, both directly and indirectly.

Carbon accounting aims to total all the emissions for which a specific company is accountable, including those beyond its direct operations. The widely referenced Greenhouse Gas Protocol, developed by the World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, categorizes a company’s emissions into three types called “scopes.”

Scope 1 Emissions: These are also referred to as “direct” emissions, which encompass all emissions generated directly from the company’s operations. This includes emissions from manufacturing or chemical processes and electricity produced on-site by burning fossil fuels.

Scope 2 Emissions: Scope 2 refers to “indirect” emissions, resulting from the generation of the electricity, steam, heating, and cooling purchased and consumed by the company in doing its work.

Scope 3 Emissions: Scope 3 emissions, commonly known as supply chain emissions, encompass the indirect greenhouse gas emissions resulting from a company’s activities, originating from sources beyond its ownership or control. For instance, in the context of a manufacturer.


Non-financial reporting

The obligation to calculate and publish Carbon Footprint Report is first imposed on companies with more than 500 employees (2024 report). The following year, carbon footprint reporting will also apply to companies with more than 250 employees (2025 report). And finally, for 2026, such an obligation will apply to a proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises: with the understanding, however, that they have the option until 2028 to report that they are not ready to calculate their carbon footprint.


Why is Carbon Accounting important?

Carbon accounting is important for the below listed reasons:

  1. The company thereby contributes to the political objectives of the EU, according to which it aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% compared to the value measured in 2019 by 2030, as well as to reach net zero in the long term.
  2. Proof that companies are meeting their commitments under environmental legislation.
  3. In broader terms, carbon accounting holds significance for efficiency. Products and services with substantial carbon footprints typically reflect inefficient production methods. Therefore, cutting down on carbon expenditures can result in cost savings for a company.