On 7 November 2024, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) added triphenyl phosphate to the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC), bringing the total number of entries on this list to 242. This list includes chemicals that pose significant risks to human health or the environment, and companies must manage these risks by providing customers and consumers with information on safe usage.
Details on Triphenyl Phosphate
Triphenyl phosphate, with EC number 204-112-2 and CAS number 115-86-6, has been added to the list due to its endocrine-disrupting properties that may impact the environment. This chemical is commonly used as a flame retardant and plasticiser in polymer formulations, adhesives, and sealants. Initially planned for discussion in June, its inclusion was delayed to October due to the emergence of substantial new information about its hazardous properties.
Legal Obligations and Consequences for Companies
The addition of triphenyl phosphate to the Candidate List imposes new legal obligations on companies under the REACH regulation:
- Information Requirements: If an article contains any SVHC from the Candidate List at a concentration above 0.1% (weight by weight), suppliers must inform customers and consumers on safe use practices. Consumers have the right to inquire about the presence of SVHCs in products.
- Notification to ECHA: Importers and producers of articles must notify ECHA if their products contain any SVHC within six months of its inclusion on the list.
- Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Updates: EU and EEA suppliers must update the SDS for any product that contains substances from the Candidate List, whether in pure form or in mixtures.
Additionally, under the Waste Framework Directive, companies must notify ECHA if their articles contain SVHCs at concentrations above 0.1%. This information is then added to ECHA’s SCIP database (Substances of Concern In Products), ensuring traceability.
Moreover, products containing SVHCs are ineligible for the EU Ecolabel, which promotes products with reduced environmental impact.