Before placing a detergent or surfactant on the market:
Verify that the manufacturer has carried out the conformity assessment procedure and prepared the technical documentation.
Check that the detergent or surfactant is CE marked.
Check that the manufacturer has produced a product passport.
Check whether the information in the product passport has been notified to the product register.
Indicate on the label their name, registered trade name or registered trademark, postal and e-mail address at which they can be contacted.
Where he considers that a detergent or surfactant does not comply with this Regulation, the importer shall not place it on the market until it has been rectified.
If the detergent or surfactant presents a risk to health or the environment, he shall inform the manufacturer and the market surveillance authorities.
Where it considers, in view of the characteristics of the product or the risks they present, it shall carry out sample testing and, where necessary, keep a register of non-compliant detergents and surfactants and withdraw them from the market.
Keep a reference to the unique product identifier for a period of 10 years after the detergent or surfactant has been placed on the market.